Hillsdale Caltrain Station (#2501887)


Routes Serving This Stop

50 E. 28th Avenue, San Mateo

1 Public Telephone

Station Amenities



  • Wheelchair accessible
  • ADA Shelter with Blue Wood Bench

Bike Info

  • Bike racks
  • City-run on-demand electronic lockers available - www.bikelink.org


Two parking lots - one located between 25th and 28th avenues and the other located between 28th and 31st avenues. 

Ticket Vending Machine

  • 4 ticket vending machines


Caltrain makes being sustainable easy.  Customers are encouraged to place paper, glass/cans, food and trash in the same waste container.  The contents make their way to Newby Island Resource Recovery Park where machinery and trained staff sort all contents for appropriate recycling or landfill.

Things to explore around this stop

Transit Connections

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